
Students who major in business can develop the essential skills needed to flourish in a business environment. Students are exposed to a variety of perspectives through hands-on learning, 案例研究, 演讲嘉宾和教授经验. Critical thinking, leadership and team building are emphasized in the department.

KWU 业务 students have the opportunity to interact closely with faculty and in the department, drawing upon their experience and expertise not only in the classroom but also in the greater Salina community.

认识大华大学的商业和会计 这里的老师们!

业务 & 会计常见问题解答


The DEI vision for Kansas Wesleyan is to promote a diverse culture of equity, inclusion, integrity, and collaboration that deepens understanding and embraces intercultural and global 为学生、教职员工提供的体验.

业务 & 会计部门
在商业世界里,不是每个人都是一样的. 正因为如此,系 业务 and 会计 recognizes diversity as a tremendous strength. 的差异 in who we are, how we think, how we collaborate, how our past and present experiences
have shaped us, and how we conduct business are valued, leading to an environment of 包容性. Because businesses are created to provide tangible and intangible products to serve everyone, the Department of 业务 and 会计 believe in including, 尊重并看到每个人的价值.




你将有机会与engage密切互动, expert faculty who can assist you and apply their valuable experiences in the business world to the classroom. 在学习期间, you will develop a broad knowledge of business operations and gain practical applications in your specific field.

你还可以在各种职业道路上获得许多可转移的技能. 能力包括:对组织运作方式的理解, enhancing your communication skills (oral and written) and strengthening your analytical and critical thinking, 解决问题和决策. +, 解释和使用财务数据, project and resource management and a good understanding of economic fluctuations and other external changes affecting business.


十大赌博平台排行榜的商学学位会为你打开大门. The application-based curriculum exposes you to a variety of business models, 强调适应性的重要性.

除了会计方面的商业头脑, 金融, 领导和解决问题, KWU graduates enter the workforce with a keen sense of their own strengths and an awareness of how to use those sharpened skills to make significant contributions in the workplace. 大学毕业生从事会计和金融工作, 市场营销和广告, 零售, 投资银行, 保险承保, 销售, 人力资源, 教学及其他.

十大赌博平台排行榜业务 & 会计程序



BUSA 100:商业入门(3学时-秋季)

This course provides students with a broad base of knowledge and information concerning business in the United States. This course will concentrate on the fundamental concepts and principles on which we develop, organize and operate businesses and how business relates to our economic system. 除了, 本课程将探讨商业道德, 社会责任和全球运营的影响.

BUSA 150:个人理财(3学时-春季)

This course focuses on personal financial 规划 with the objective of making each student aware of their lifetime financial goals and how they may best achieve those goals in today’s complex environment. After completing this course each student should know and understand the basic principles of personal financial success, 包括财务计划和目标设定, 个人税收, 财富积累策略, 现金和消费信贷管理, 基本保险原则, 基本的投资原则和技巧, 退休计划和投资及遗产转让方法.

BUSA 300:市场营销原理(3学时-春季)

An examination of the coordination and control of marketing activities, 包括市场细分, 产品开发, 产品管理, 定价, 销售渠道和推广方式.

BUSA 301:管理原则(3学时-秋季)

The study of the theory and concepts involved in managing organizations. 课程主题包括计划管理功能的研究, 决策, 组织与控制.

BUSA 310:商业金融(3学时-秋季)

对企业财务管理进行分析和决策. 主要研究领域包括比率分析, 规划, 营运资金管理, 资本预算, 财务风险与杠杆 以及各种形式的资金来源和市场的特点. 先决条件:ACCT 203, ACCT 204和BUSA 219.

BUSA 317:商业法I -(3学时-秋季)

研究商业行为者之间的法律制度和权利. This course will cover the court system and alternative dispute resolutions, 侵权与犯罪, 以及合同和商业交易的要素.

BUSA 318:商业法II -(3学时-春季)

商业组织和雇佣法的研究. This course will cover sole proprietorships, partnerships and various corporate entities. Agency and 就业 laws will be covered as well as creditor’s rights, 政府法规和财产法.

BUSA 322:人力资源管理(3学时-春季)

This course is a basic study of personnel topics such as employee motivation and satisfaction, 工作分析与设计, 人力资源规划, 员工的选择, 培训和评估, 工资、福利和劳动关系管理.

BUSA 338:运营管理(3学时-春季)

This course provides the student with an understanding of how to effectively manage and improve the operations processes of a business, 包括生产, 物料和产品的采购和库存控制, 物流管理(收货), 仓库, 拣取和运输物料, 货物, 和服务), 订单处理及后续客户服务. 前提条件:BUSA 219和BUSA 301.

BUSA 355:法律方面的业务(3学时-秋季)

An introduction to the legal environment in which businesses operate. Considers the institutions and processes related to business law and the major frameworks of private and public law, 包括法律体系, 合同和商业交易, 商业组织和关系, 侵权行为, 犯罪与监管法律.

BUSA 360:商务沟通(3学时-秋季和春季)

This course is designed to prepare a business student to communicate more effectively, 强调通过备忘录进行沟通, 信件及书面报告. 口头交流的准备, 连同口头报告的提交, 会传授给学生吗. Students will examine computer applications that aid in effective internal and external business communication. 前提条件:engl120、engl121和COMM 130

BUSA 405:商业金融-(3学时-秋季)

对企业财务管理进行分析和决策. 主要研究领域包括比率分析, 规划, 营运资金管理, 资本预算, 财务风险与杠杆, 以及各种形式的资金来源和市场的特点. 先决条件:ACCT 203和ACCT 204

BUSA 445:战略管理(3学时-春季)

本课程整合了所需的业务, accounting and economic courses through the study of objectives of the firm, 总体政策和战略的制定和管理. Both oral and written analysis and solutions of several major cases are the heart of the course. 先决条件:ACCT 203, ACCT 204, BUSA 300, BUSA 301和BUSA 405

BUSA 450:商业领导和道德(3学时-秋季)

This course considers the role of the individual in the contemporary American business community. 课程主题包括历史, 商业与政治的思想和伦理起源, 企业对社会和环境的影响.

BUSA 460:商业实习(2-8学时-按需)

This course offers an intensive field experience with a community organization. 安排将根据学生的职业定位. Prerequisite: Departmental approval and satisfaction of entry criteria where applicable. See Internship under Alternative Means to Academic Credit for a more detailed description.

BUSA 485:商业:专题(3学时-按需)

A focused investigation into a selected area(s) of 业务 at the upper division level that will include such topics as advertising, 小型企业的投资或创业.

BUSA 490:独立研究(可变信贷-按需)

独立学习包括研究, 阅读, other scholarly investigation or creative work at the upper division level. See Independent Study under Alternative Means to Academic Credit for a more detailed description.

ECON 201:经济学导论(3学时-按需)

介绍基本的宏观和微观经济学原理. 本课程将探讨稀缺问题, 经济模型, 机会成本, 供求关系, 消费者的选择, 利润最大化, 竞争, 劳动力市场, 财政和货币政策, 总需求、总供给和国际贸易.


经济学原理概论, 以国民收入理论为重点的问题与政策, 就业, 货币和财政机构, 经济增长和国家间的经济关系


重点是价格机制, 产品和资源市场, 市场结构及其社会福利影响.

ECON 286:专题(3学时-按需)

ECON 485:专题(3学时-按需)



B.A. 会计- 48学时


  • ACCT 203财务会计- 3学分
  • ACCT 204管理会计- 3学分
  • ACCT 301中级会计I - 3学时
  • ACCT 302中级会计II - 3学时
  • ACCT 316个人所得税- 3学时
  • ACCT 400成本会计- 3学时
  • ACCT 402高级财务会计- 3学分
  • ACCT 415审计- 3学分
  • BUSA 219定量商业应用- 3学分
  • BUSA 300市场营销原则- 3个学分
  • BUSA 301管理原则- 3个学分
  • BUSA 310商业金融- 3个学分
  • BUSA 317商业法- 3学分
  • BUSA 360商务沟通- 3学时
  • COMP 434管理信息系统- 3学时
  • 经济学入门- 3个学分
  • MATH 120 College Algebra or higher – 3 credit hours (in fulfillment of Liberal Studies Requirement)

B.A. 商务- 42学时


  • ACCT 203财务会计- 3学分
  • ACCT 204管理会计- 3学分
  • BUSA 219定量商业应用- 3学分
  • BUSA 300市场营销原则- 3个学分
  • BUSA 301管理原则- 3个学分
  • BUSA 310商业金融- 3个学分
  • BUSA 317商业法- 3学分
  • 人力资源管理- 3个学分
  • BUSA 338运营管理- 3学时
  • BUSA 360商务沟通- 3学时
  • 战略管理- 3个学分
  • BUSA 450商业领导和道德- 3个学分
  • COMP 434管理信息系统- 3学时
  • 经济学入门- 3个学分
  • * MATH 120 College Algebra or higher in fulfillment of Liberal Studies Requirements

辅修会计要求- 15学分


  • ACCT 203财务会计- 3学分
  • ACCT 204管理会计- 3学分
  • ACCT 301中级会计I - 3学时
  • ACCT 302中级会计II - 3学时
  • ACCT 316个人所得税- 3学时
  • 或ACCT 400成本会计- 3学分

商业副修要求- 18个学分


  • ACCT 203财务会计- 3学分
  • ACCT 204管理会计- 3学分
  • 经济学入门- 3个学分
  • BUSA 300市场营销原则- 3个学分
  • BUSA 301管理原则- 3个学分
  • BUSA 360商务沟通- 3学时